Foos, Adrienne E.
School of Business
Assistant Professor, Marketing
Department Chair of Marketing
Office phone: (716) 375-2097
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Swan Business Center 104C
- MKT 302. Consumer Behavior
- MKT 410. Contemporary Issues and Topics in Marketing
- MBA 620. Marketing Analytics for Data Driven Decision Making
- MBA 638. Consumer Behavior
- Ph.D. in Marketing, University of Manchester (United Kingdom), 2015
- MBA in Management and Leadership, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010
- B.A. in Philosophy, State University of New York at Geneseo, 2006
- Assistant Professor of Marketing and Marketing Program Director, Mercyhurst University 2016-2019
- Assistant Professor of Marketing, Alfred State College, 2015-2016
- Guest Lecturer and Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Manchester, 2011-2015
- Ad Hoc Consultant, Motivforce Marketing & Incentives, 2015-Present
- Editorial Review Board Member, European Journal of Marketing, 2019-Present
- Ad Hoc Reviewer for the Journal of Consumer Psychology, European Journal of Marketing, and the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice
- External Supervisor for Consumer Psychology Master’s Dissertations, University of Sussex, 2018-Present
- Mercyhurst University Walker College of Business Faculty Scholarship Award 2019
- Doctoral Consortium Fellow. Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference. Memphis, TN, November 2-5, 2011.
Peer-reviewed publications:
Refereed Journal Articles
- Foos, Adrienne, Kathleen Keeling, and Debbie Keeling, (2015). “Redressing the Sleeper Effect: Evidence for the Favorable Persuasive Impact of Discounting Information over Time in a Contemporary Consumer Context,” Journal of Advertising, 45 (1), 19-25.
- Grimes, Anthony, Dominic Medway, Adrienne Foos, and Anna Goatman (2015). “Impact Bias in Student Evaluations of Higher Education,” Studies in Higher Education, 42 (6), 945-962.
Conference Presentations
- “I, Me, Mine: The Effect of the Explicitness of Self-Anchoring on Consumer Evaluations”. (Competitive Extended Abstract and Proceedings). Association for Consumer Research North American Conference, Dallas, TX, October 11-14, 2018. Co-authored with Kathleen Keeling and Debbie Keeling. *Session Chair.
- “Re-Examining Value Co-Creation in the Age of Interactive Service Robots”. (Presentation and Proceedings). Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Bari, Italy, July 14-18, 2015. Co-authored with Willy Barnett*, Thorsten Gruber, Kathleen Keeling, Debbie Keeling, and Linda Nasr (Equal Authors). *Presenter.
- “Negative Information and Self-Referencing: Reviving the Sleeper Effect”. (Poster and Proceedings). Association for Consumer Research North American Conference, Baltimore, MD, October 23-26,2014. Co-authored with Kathleen Keeling and Debbie Keeling.
- “Consumer Perceptions of Interactive Service Robots: A Value-Dominant Logic Perspective”. (Presentation and Proceedings). 23rd IEEE RO-MAN International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Edinburgh, UK, August 25-29, 2014. Co-authored with Willy Barnett *, Thorsten Gruber, Debbie Keeling, Kathleen Keeling, and Linda Nasr (Equal Authors). *Presenter
- “The Positive Effect of Negative Information: A Sleeper Effect Perspective”. (Presentation and Proceedings). 2014 Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, Miami, FL, March 6-8, 2014. Co-authored with Kathleen Keeling and Debbie Keeling.
- “Exploring User Perceptions of Interactive Service Robots: A Combined Method Approach”. (Poster). methods@manchester Methods Fair 2013, Manchester, UK, October 9, 2013. Co-authored with Willy Barnett and Linda Nasr. *Best Poster Award
- “A Re-Examination of Value Co-Creation in the Age of Interactive Service Robots: A Service Dominant Logic Perspective”. (Presentation and Proceedings). 38th Annual Macromarketing Conference, Toronto, CAN, June 5-7, 2013. Co-authored with Willy Barnett, Thorsten Gruber, Debbie Keeling, Kathleen Keeling, and Linda Nasr (Equal Authors).
- “Fashionable Food: When the Sleeper Effect Turns Negative Information into Positive Attitudes”. (Presentation and Proceedings). 2013 AMS Annual Conference, Monterey, CA, May 14-18, 2013. Co-authored with Kathleen Keeling and Debbie Keeling.
- “Source Misattribution for the Sake of Attitude Change: A Conceptualization of the Role of Social Identity in Inducing Dissociative Processing”. (Presentation and Proceedings) 2012 AMS Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, May 15-20, 2012. Co-authored with Kathleen Keeling and Debbie Keeling.
- “Minority Influence in Online Communities”. (Presentation) Manchester Business School Annual Doctoral Conference, Manchester, UK, May 15-16, 2011.
- “From Rejection to Conversion: Stages of Minority Influence on the Path to Changing People’s Minds”. (Presentation), 7th Consumer Research Academy Workshop Series Conference, Manchester, UK, April 14-15, 2011. Co-authored with Kathleen Keeling.
- Metacognition
- Self-anchoring and self-referencing
- Social media influence
- Countervailing information processing
American Marketing Association Collegiate Chapter Adviser
- U.S. Pony Club and Dressage 4 Kids Sponsor
Additional Biographical Information